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Institute of Polymer Chemistry and Physics

Institute of polymer chemistry and physics, Academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent city, Abdulla Kadiri street 7-b phone: (+998 71)241-85-94 fax:(+998 71)241-26-60 e-mail:

Laboratory of chemistry and technology of cellulose and its derivatives

About Us

IAbout Us

The only specialized scientific center dealing with the problems of chemistry, physics and technology of polymers, including in the field of nanoscience. Year of establishment – ​​In 1979, the Department of Polymer Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR was established with the rights of a research institute (Resolution of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR No. 27 of February 23, 1979 and the Council of the Ministry of the Uzbek SSR No. 479 of July 11, 1979). In accordance with the Resolution of the CM RU No. 543 of 07.07.81 - transformed into the Institute of Chemistry an


About the lab


Laboratory of chemistry and technology of cellulose and its derivatives

The Laboratory of Chemistry, Technology of Cellulose and its derivatives At the Institute of Chemistry and Physics of Polymers Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was created in 1993 from the scientific staffs of the liquidated Research Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Cellulose.

Scientific directions of the laboratory: - Chemistry and technology of cellulose and its derivatives; - Polymer forms of drugs and medical devices.

Implemented scientific developments of the laboratory  “POLIARDEZ” - polymer form of disinfectant solution  Bactericidal underwear (socks)  Technology for the production of highly purified carboxymethylcellulose  “SELAGRIP” - an antiviral drug for the prevention and treatment of viral influenza and SARS Scientific developments of the laboratory at the stage of implementation into production  “ASPAYK” - original hydrogel for surgery  “BACSERGEL” - bactericidal hydrogel for the treatment of wounds and burns  "GEMOSORB" - hemosorbent production technology  "GEPROCEL" - biodegradable hemostatic agent  "GlazAvir" - biodegradable product for the treatment of viral eye diseases  “NANODERM” - biodegradable bactericidal film  Polymer coatings for the treatment of wounds and burns  “SelenoSel” - microfilms for the treatment of oncological diseases  “Recon” - a polymer preparation for x-ray diagnostics  Technology for the production of plaster bandages for traumatology.


Technical capabilities of the laboratory

ERWEKA gmbh AR403

ERWEKA gmbh AR403

Rotary evaporator

Rotary evaporator

FD-18 Labfreez

FD-18 Labfreez

Microwave Digester BMD-10H

Microwave Digester BMD-10H

3d printer k1 max

3d printer k1 max