The only specialized scientific center dealing with the problems of chemistry, physics and technology of polymers, including in the field of nanoscience. Year of establishment – In 1979, the Department of Polymer Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR was established with the rights of a research institute (Resolution of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR No. 27 of February 23, 1979 and the Council of the Ministry of the Uzbek SSR No. 479 of July 11, 1979). In accordance with the Resolution of the CM RU No. 543 of 07.07.81 - transformed into the Institute of Chemistry an
Laboratory of physical physico-chemical research methods
Scientific directions: Study of the composition, structure and physicochemical properties of nanopolymer structures based on natural and synthetic polymers. Study of the theoretical foundations, composition, structure and properties of new nanocomposite materials. Preparation of nanostructured polymers, mixtures of nanopolymers based on synthetic polymers and biodegradable composite materials based on natural polymers and studying the “synthesis-structure-property” relationship.
Projects: FZ-4721055613 «Юқори молекуляр тизимлар асосида нанотолалар ҳосил бўлишининг асосий жиҳатлари: шароитлари, тузилиши, хусусиятлари» ФЗ-4721055613 «Основные аспекты формирования нановолокон на основе высокомолекулярных систем: условия, структура, свойства» А-ФА-2021-388 «Микрокристаллик целлюлоза ишлаб чиқариш технологиясини яратиш» А-ФА-2021-388 «Создание технологии производства микрокристаллической целлюлозы» AL-742210856 Галл кислотаси ёрдамида биоцид хоссаларига эга кумуш наносуспензияларини олишнинг технологик регламентни ишлаб чициш АЛ-742210856 Разработка технологического регламента получения наносуспензий серебра с биоцидными свойствами с использованием галловой кислоты Developments: - A patent was received for the invention from the Intellectual Property Agency (IAP 06364 “Method for producing nanocellulose”) - A set of regulatory and technical documents necessary for organizing the production of biodegradable polymer compositions and films (“Biodegradable polymer composition” (Ts 21889093-01:2019) and “Biodegradable polymer film” (Ts 25261285-08:2019) has been generated and registered by the Uzstandart agency " - An application for a patent for an invention has been submitted to the Intellectual Property Agency (IAP20210772 “Biodegradable composition and films based on it”) - In the “Scientist of the Future” competition held by the Youth Academy of the Ministry of Innovative Development, the START UP project under the leadership of Turdikulov I.Kh. “Creating the production of biodegradable compounds for the production of environmentally friendly polymer films and packaging materials” was recognized as the best. winner, and this project received 735 million tons. An innovative enterprise was created with financing from funds.
Publications: 2019 y 1. M.T. Kulakhmetova, A.A. Atakhanov. Obtaining cellulose-based silver nanocomposites. // European Journal of Research №4, P. 65-70 (2019). Impact Factor – SJIF 6.054; IFS 3.8; UIF 2.7. 2. Shodmonkulov Zokhir Abdurakhimovich, Atakhanov Abdumutolib Abdupattaevich, Gulamov Azamat Eshonkulovich, Shin Illarion Georgievich. Abrasive Blasting of the Teeth of Linter Saws with the Aim of their Activation // International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 6, Issue 8, p.10558-10563, 2019. (GIF) IF – 3.98 3. Abdumutolib Atakhanov, Islom Turdikulov, Burhon Mamadiyorov, Nodira Abdullaeva, Ilnar Nurgaliev, Sayora Rashidova. Isolation of nanocellulose from cotton cellulose and computer modeling of its structure // Open Journal of Polymer Chemistry, 2019, 9, 117-129. IF:2.591 4. Vokhidova N.R., Ergashev K.H., Yugay S.M., Rashidova S.Sh. NANOSTRUCTURES OBTAINING THE ON THE BASIS OF BOMBYXMOR ICHITOSAN HYDROXYAPATITE. American Journal of Polymer Science 2019, 9 (1): c.1-9 IF – 0,776 5. N.R.Ashurov, N.Sh.Ashurov, J.T.Azimov, S.E.Maksimov, S.Sh.Rashidova. Investigation of possible ways of improvement of layers’ morphology of solar light absorbers of perovskite-based cells. //Applied Solar Energy. 2019. V.55. №1. P.8-11. DOI: 10.3103/S0003701X19010031 Impact Factor – RGJIF 0.26. 6. А.А. Атаханов, Б.Н. Мамадиёров, М.М. Кузиева, С.М. Югай, С. Шахобутдинов, Н.Ш. Ашуров, М. Абдуразаков. Сравнительные исследования физико-химических свойств и структуры хлопковой целлюлозы и ее модифицированных форм // Ж. «Химия растительного сырья», Барнаул, Россия, 2019, №3, с.5-13. (РИНЦ) IF – 0,5. 2020 y 1. E. Khakberdiev, N. Ashurov, Sh. Sadikov., N.Sh. Ashurov. Stress – Strain Behavior Polymer Blends of Poly(Vinyl Chloride) And Linear Copolymer of Ethylene With Butene – 1. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 9, Issue 03, March 2020, pp. 617-621 Global Impact Factor – 0.787 ISSN 2277-8616, Scopus 2. A. A. Atakhanov, N.Sh. Ashurov., A. A. Kholmuminov, B. N. Mamadierov, I. Kh. Turdikulov. Rheological Behavior of Nanocellulose Aqueous Suspensions. Journal Polymer Science, Series A, 2020, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 213–217. Impact Factor- 0.968 Scopus, Web of Science. DOI: 10.1134/S0965545X20030013 3. Кудышкин В.О., Бозоров Н.И., Ашуров Н.Ш., Рашидова С.Ш. Синтез и структура привитых сополимеров акриловой кислоты и низкомолекулярного полиэтилена. Журнал прикладной химии. 2020. Т. 93. Вып. 10, стр. 1426-1431 Impact Factor- 0.69 Scopus. DOI: 10.31857/S0044461820100035 2021 y 1. Yunusov, K.E., Sarymsakov, A.A., Jalilov, J.Z.O., Аtakhanov, A.A. Physicochemical properties and antimicrobial activity of nanocomposite films based on carboxymethylcellulose and silver nanoparticles // Journal Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2021, 32(4), стр. 1822–1830. Scopus - 5.5 IF 2. V. O. Kudyshkin, N. I. Bozorov, N. Sh. Ashurov, N. R. Ashurov, and S. Sh. Rashidova On the Application of Modified Low Molecular Weight Polyethylene in Compositions with Starch // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2021, Vol. 94, No. 7, pp. 920–926. DOI: 10.1134/S1070427221070119 Scopus - 1.5 IF 2022y 1. N. Sh. Ashurov, S. M. Yugai, S. Sh. Shakhobutdinov, A. S. Kulumbetov, A. A. Atakhanov Physicochemical studies of the structure of chitosan and chitosan ascorbate nanoparticles // Russian Chemical Bulletin volume 71, pages 227–231 (2022) Scopus-2,3 IF 2. F.Kh. Khasanov, I.B. Sapaev, B.S. Mirzaev, Q.A. Shakarov, U.T.Davlatov, N.N.Abdusattorov Si-CdTe-CdS Structures of electronic processes //AIP Conference Proceedings 2432, 050017-1-050017-5; Scopus 3. I.B. Sapaev., B. Sapaev., A. Abduraxmonov., N.N. Abdusattorov. To study the electrophysical properties of cdte layer on silicon base and the effect of created heterostructure on moisture // International Scientific Research Journal ISSN: 2776-0979, Volume 3, Issue 5, May., 2022 Scopus 4. V.O. Kudyshkin, N.I. Bozorov, R.Kh. Madiev, N.R. Ashurov, N. Sh. Ashurov, S.Sh. Rashidova. Use of a Graft Copolymer of Low Molecular Weight Polyethylene and Acrylic Acid in Carbon Black-Filled Polyethylene Compouns. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry Volume 95, pages 655–660 (2022), DOI: 10.1134/S1070427222050044 Scopus -1.6 IF 5. Voronova M.I., Surov O.V., Kuziyeva M.K., Atakhanov A.A. Thermal and mechanical properties of polymer composites reinforced by sulfuric acid-hydrolyzed and tempo-oxidized nanocellulose: a comparative study // ChemChemTech, 2022, 65(10), pp. 95–105; Scopus-0,8 IF 6. А.А.Атаханов, И.Х.Турдикулов, Н.Ш.Ашуров. Оксоразлагаемая нанокомпозитная пленка на основе полиэтилена. Журнал прикладной химии. 2022. Т. 95. Вып. 8, с. 38-45. Scopus -1,6 IF 7. Yunusov K.E., Sarymsakov A.A., Shukurov A.L., Todjiyev J.N., Atakhanov A.A., Guohua J., Solomevich S.O. Sodium-Carboxymethyicellulose/ Polyphenol- Gossypol- Carboxymethyicellulose Copolymer Films for Ocular Drug Delivery: Preparation and Physico-Chemical Properties. Asian Jurnal of Chemistey; Vol. 34, № 12 (2022), 3085-3092. Scopus-0,9 IF 8. Н.Ш.Ашуров, М.Абдуразаков, С.М.Югай, А.А.Атаханов, Х.А.Гуламжанов, Г.Д.Тураев, Г.Д.Ахымбетова, С.Ш.Рашидова. Изучение структурных и термических характеристик хитина и хитозана из различного вида сырья. Journal of Physics Conference Series JPCS, 2388 (2022) 012011 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2388/1/012011, Scopus – 0.9 IF 9. Н.Ш.Ашуров, С.М.Югай, Н.Р.Вахидова, .А.Атаханов, С.Ш.Рашидова. Изучение магнитных свойств металлсодержащих полимеров. Journal of Physics Conference Series JPCS 2388 (2022) 012007 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2388/1/012007 Scopus – 0.9 IF 10. I. Turdikulov, M. Абдуразаков , M. Saidmuhammedova, N. Ashurov, A. Atakhanov, S. Rashidova. Functionalization of low-molecular-weight polyethylene by melt grafting of maleic anhydride for using as compatibilizer. Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Scopus – 0.9 IF (Статья в печати) 11. Абдуразаков M, Normurodov N.F., Berdinazarov Q.N., Ashurov N.R. Mechanical and thermal properties of biodegradable composites based on polyethylene and gelatin. Bulletin of the Karaganda University Chemistry Series: 2022 № 4. Scopus – 0.1 IF 2023 y 1. Trdikulov I. H., Saidmuhammedova M. Q., Ashurov N. Sh., Abdurazzakov M.N., Atakhanov A.A., Rashidova S.Sh., // Functionalization of low-molecular-weight Polyethylene by melt grafting of maleic anhydride For using as a compatibilizerchemistry & chemical technology Chem. Chem. Technol, 2023, V 17, 347–356. 2. . V.O. Kudyshkin, N.I. Bozorov, N.Sh. Ashurov, N.R. Ashurov and Rashidova S. Sh., Structure and properties of compositions of linear low‐density polyethylene with starch // Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2023, V 34, 1752-1756. 3. Kuzieva M.A., Atakhanov A.A., Shakhobutdinov S.Sh., Ashurov N.Sh., Yunusov H.E., Guohua J., Preparation of oxidized nanocellulose by using potassium dichromate // Cellulose, 2023, V 30, 5657–5668. 4. Saidmuhammedova M. Q., Trdikulov I. H., Atakhanov A.A., Ashurov N. Sh., Rashidova S.Sh., Abdurazakov M.N., Oleg V.S., // Biodegradable polyethylene-based composites filled with cellulose micro- and nanoparticles Eurasian Journal of Chemistry, 2023, №110(2), 94-106. ǀ 5. Vokhidova N. R., Mamasoliyev U. M., Yugay S. M., Rashidova S. Sh., Synthesis and study of the structure of N-succinyl chitosan Bombyx mori and their biological applications. Polymer Bulletin, 2023, V 80, 12907-12921. 6. Turdikulov I. H., Saidmuhammedova M. Q., Atakhanov A. A. Study of structure and properties of biodegradable composite films based on thermoplastic starch. E3S Web of Conferences, 2023, V 401, 03058. 2024 y 1. A.A. Atakhanov, N.Sh. Ashurov, Zh. Turaev, M. Abdurazakov, N.R. Ashurov, S.Sh. Rashidova and A.A. Berlin Formation of Nanofibers Based on Polyacrylonitrile with Graphite and Their Structural Characteristics // Polymer Science, Series C, 2024, 2. V.O. Kudyshkin, Z.M. Abrarova, N.I. Bozorov, U.U. Zhumartova, M.M. Usmanova, N.Sh. Ashurov and S.Sh. Rashidova Features of Synthesis of Graft Copolymers of Chitosan and Acrylic Acid // Polymer Science, Series B, 2024. 3. Shakhabutdinov S.Sh., Yugay S.M., Ashurov N.Sh., Ergashev D.J., Atakhanov A.A., Rashidova S.Sh. Characterization electrospun nanofibers based on cellulose triacetate synthesized from licorice root cellulose // Eurasian Journal of Chemistry.