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Institute of Polymer Chemistry and Physics

Institute of polymer chemistry and physics, Academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent city, Abdulla Kadiri street 7-b phone: (+998 71)241-85-94 fax:(+998 71)241-26-60 e-mail:

Laboratory of promising polymers synthesis

About Us

IAbout Us

The only specialized scientific center dealing with the problems of chemistry, physics and technology of polymers, including in the field of nanoscience. Year of establishment – ​​In 1979, the Department of Polymer Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR was established with the rights of a research institute (Resolution of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR No. 27 of February 23, 1979 and the Council of the Ministry of the Uzbek SSR No. 479 of July 11, 1979). In accordance with the Resolution of the CM RU No. 543 of 07.07.81 - transformed into the Institute of Chemistry an


About the lab


Laboratory of promising polymers synthesis

Under the leadership of academician Rashidova S.Sh. in 1990, the Laboratory of Synthesis of Promising Polymers was created; the laboratory conducts research devoted to the creation of scientific foundations for the synthesis and modification of biologically active natural polymers, the study of the structural features of water-soluble polymers and mixtures using a complex of physicochemical methods.

This makes it possible to obtain data on their molecular structure and supramolecular organization depending on various factors, and also to offer them for medicine, the agro-industrial complex, as well as in pharmacology, biotechnology, etc. (Ph.D. Milusheva R.Yu., Ph.D. Akhymbetova G.D., Ph.D. Avazova O.B., Ph.D. Pirniyazov K.K., Ph.D. Rakhmanova V.N. , рHD Bekchanov I.K., etc.). The laboratory is successfully conducting research in the promising scientific direction of creating polymer formulations of chemical plant protection products, studying the interaction of polymers with living organisms, the mechanisms of the biological effect of polymers on seeds and the regulation of this interaction. creation of a new generation of nanostructured polymer preparations based on natural polysaccharides, their derivatives and application in various sectors of the national economy, based on sources of local polymer plant raw materials.

Scientific developments: 1. A comprehensive waste-free technology has been developed for processing silk production waste to produce chitin, chitosan, and protein. 2. Water-soluble chitosan derivatives have been synthesized: sulfate, ascorbate, citrate and carboxymethyl chitosan. 3. Isolation of chitin and chitosan from a new regional source - cysts of the Aral Sea - has been mastered 4. An environmentally friendly technology has been developed for the pre-sowing preparation of seeds of agricultural crops (cotton, wheat, rice, corn, melons and vegetables) using the encapsulation method using a domestic disinfectant with a stimulating effect - UZKHITAN. 5. A technology has been developed for producing a drug based on protein and chitosan Bombyx mori for fish farming 6. A technology has been developed for the production of the drugs “Askorhit” and “Nanoaskorhit” and their preparative forms, registered with the Agency for Quarantine and Plant Protection.

Publications (5 years): 2020 В.А. Александрова, О.Б. Кличева, А.М. Футорянская, С.Ш. Рашидова Нанокомпозиты на основе N-карбоксиметил хитозана и наночастиц серебра // Высокомолекулярные соединения. 2020 г. О.B.Klicheva., S.Sh. Rashidova Production of micro- and nanoparticles of Bombyx mori Pirniyazov K.K., Rashidova S.Sh. “Study of the kinetic of formation chitosan ascorbate Bombyx mori” , Bulletin of the Karaganda University, Chemistry Series, N 3(99)/2020 Vazira N. Rakhmanova*, Sayyora Sh. Rashidova Molecular-Weight Characteristics of Chitosan Sulfate Bombyx mori// Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2020, 7(8):57-60 (I.F. 0. 543 ) Монография Р.Ю.Милушева, О.Б.Авазова, С.Ш.Рашидова «Белок из куколок тутового шелкопряда Bombyx mori L. Выделение, свойства, применение», Ташкент, изд-во «ФАН», Академия наук Республики Узбекистан, 2020, 216 с., 2021 Pirniyazov K.K., Tixonov V.E., Rashidova S.Sh. Synthesis and properties of oligochitosan ascorbate from Bombyx mori // Bulletin of the Karaganda University CHEMISTRY Series. No. 1(101) 2021, P. 91-98. (WOS and SCOPUS) Rakhmanova V.N., Rashidova S.Sh. Formation kinetics of chitosan chitosan sulfate Bombyx mori in the presence of sulfating agents // International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science, –Philadelphia, USA. -2021, 09 (101), -P. 407-415 Doi: https: // (indexed: Clarivate analytic.) IF SJIF 7.184. Pirniyazov K.K., Rashidova S.Sh. Studying the kinetics of the acid hydrolysis reaction and structural characteristics of low-molecular chitosan Bombyx mori // International scientific journal theoretical & applied science. –Philadelphia, USA. -2021. –Vol. 06 (98). –P. 466-471. (indexed: Clarivate analytic. Doi: 10.15863/TAS) IF SJIF 7.184. 2022 Рашидова С.Ш., Пирниязов Қ.Қ. “Наноаскорбат хитозан Bombyx mori: синтез, структура и свойства”, Ташкент, 2022, 176 с. Рашидова С.Ш., Пирниязов Қ.Қ. “Наноаскорбат хитозан Bombyx mori: синтези, тузилиши ва хоссалари”, Ташкент, 2022, 182 б. Фахрутдинов М.З. Ўзбекистонда субтропикселекцияси. Ўзбекистон нашрёти, Тошкент, 2022 й, С. 207. патент № IAP 07213 от 30.12.2022. Byul., № 12-2 « Способ получения белка из отходов производства шелка» Рашидова С.Ш., Милушева Р.Ю., Авазова О.Б. Ўзбекистон Республикасининг “Селекция ютуғлари тўгрисида”, Ўсимлик навига № NAP ПАТЕНТ 00379. Тошкент, 19.01.2022 й. Статьи международные: Avazova, O.B., Milushevа, R.Yu., Nurgaliev, I.N., Rashidova, S.Sh. , «Polymolecular Complexes of Chitosan with the Bombyx Mori Protein». Bulletin of the University of Karganda – Chemistry. № 3(107)/2022, p.87-101, Special Issue “Speciality Polymers in Oil Industry, Bio-, Nanotechnology and Medicine” Scopus, R. Yu. Milusheva, S. Sh. Rashidova Obtaining chitosan nanoparticles from Bombyx mori//Russian Chemical Bulletin volume 71, No. 2, pр. 232–239, February 2022. Impact factor 1.220 (2021) R. Yu. Milusheva, S.Sh. Rashidova Chitosan-based Nanosystems as Drug Carriers // Organic Polymer Material Research | Volume 04 | Issue 01 | June 2022 PP.24-37 Impact factor 1.3 DOI: Fakhriddinov M.Z., Rashidova D.K. Citrus Selection Achievement in Uzbekistan. J undishapur Journal of Microbiology. 2022 Vol. 15, No.1. Р. 8077-8081 2023 K. K. Pirniyazov, I.N. Nurgaliev, S. Sh. Rashidova Reaction of the formation of chitosan nanoascorbate Bombyx mori and computer simulation of its structure // Intelligent Biotechnologies of natural and synthetic biologically active substances. XIV Narochanskie readings. AIP conference proceedings. -2023. –vol. 2931. Pp. 060002-1-060002-9. in Scopus and WOS A.R.Kurbanov, S.Sh. Rashidova, R.Yu. Milusheva, N.O.Titova «Evaluation of the Influence of a Polymolecular Complex Based on Protein with Chitosan on the Growth and Survival of Carps (Cyprinus Carpio) Grownin A Flowing Pond», A Journal for New Zealand Herpetology, BioGecko, Vol. 12, Issue 01 2023, ISSN NO: 2230-5807 WOS, IF-1.528 2024 R. Yu. Milusheva, *, G. D. Akhymbetova, and S. Sh. Rashidova «Obtaining Chitosan from Chitine-Containing Raw Materials in Uzbekistan and Research on Antimicrobial Properties», ISSN 0003-6838, Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2024, Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 216–225. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2024. DOI:10.1134/S0003683824020108 Пирниязов К.К., Милушева Р.Ю., Рашидова С.Ш. Получение нановолокон на основе хитозана и аскорбиновой кислоты и их перспективы в применении // Вестник ФерГУ N 3, С.29-37, 2024 г. Ikram Bekchonov, Pirniyazov K.K., Akhimbetova G.Zh., Rashidova S.Sh. Production Technology of Chitosan Nanoascorbate Bombyx Mori, NATURALISTA CAMPANO , Volume 28 Issue 2, 2024, Р.259-264,

Technical capabilities of the laboratory
