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Institute of Polymer Chemistry and Physics

Institute of polymer chemistry and physics, Academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tashkent city, Abdulla Kadiri street 7-b phone: (+998 71)241-85-94 fax:(+998 71)241-26-60 e-mail:

Laboratory of Interpolyelectrolyte complexes and metallopolymers

About Us

IAbout Us

The only specialized scientific center dealing with the problems of chemistry, physics and technology of polymers, including in the field of nanoscience. Year of establishment – ​​In 1979, the Department of Polymer Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR was established with the rights of a research institute (Resolution of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR No. 27 of February 23, 1979 and the Council of the Ministry of the Uzbek SSR No. 479 of July 11, 1979). In accordance with the Resolution of the CM RU No. 543 of 07.07.81 - transformed into the Institute of Chemistry an


About the lab


Laboratory of Interpolyelectrolyte complexes and metallopolymers

The laboratory of interpolyelectrolyte complexes and metallopolymers was established by the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PP-4805 from 2020, Appendix No. 5, p. 43. Scientific works are carried out in the laboratory in two different directions. -to study the fundamental and thermodynamic principles of obtaining interpolyelectrolyte complexes, metal chelates, in particular nanostructured polymer-metal systems, to determine the "synthesis-structure-property" relationship.

Based on these studies, the creation of non-toxic, biodegradable bioactive drugs for various purposes. -preparation, properties and use of binary and multi-component interpolyelectrolyte complexes based on natural polysaccharides and polyampholytes, including the study of the synthesis, structure and properties of interpolyelectrolyte complexes based on Chitosan Bombyx mori and polyanions; -extraction of polymers from new objects and production waste, as well as the synthesis of their derivatives.

Scientific Developments: The polymer preparation form of "Kuprumhit" fungicide was registered with the state "17" 05 2021 by the Standards Institute of "UZSTANDART" agency with number 112/0011400. "Polybutylmethacrylate" drug form for use in the practice of restoration of archaeological and paleontological objects for the purpose of processing objects or gluing clay, bone, reed and other materials Institute of Standards of "UZSTANDART" Agency 25261 28 5-07:201 with number "11" 09 2021 was registered with the state. The nanocomposite based on hydroxyapatite chitosan Bombyx mori is included in the register of the State Scientific Center for Quality Control and Circulation of Veterinary Medicines and Feed Additives in the form of “Nanoapatit” as a feed additive under number VP-001993-24.

Publications (years): 1. Вохидова Н.Р., Эргашев К.Х., Рашидова С.Ш. Синтез гидроксиапатита хитозана Bombyx mori и его применение в птицеводстве. Монография. Фан. Тошкент. 2024. С. 147. 2. Рашидова С.Ш., Вохидова Н.Р., Рашидова Д.К., Искандеров Т.И., Абдурахманов Ш.Т. Экологически безопасные полимерные агропрепараты: синтез, свойства и применение. 127 стр. изд-во “ФАН”, 2021 г., 145 стр. 3. Alekseeva O.V., Vokhidova N.R., Shibaeva V.D., Evdokimova A.V., Noskov A.V., Agafonov A.V. Three-stage synthesis and characterization of bimetallic Ag/Cu/Cu2O nanoparticles for antimicrobial applications. Materials Science & Engineering B xxx (xxxx) 116984. (Scopus, WofSc Impact factor: 3.2) 4. Agafonov A., Alekseeva O., Vokhidova N., Evdokimova A., Kraev A., Shibaeva V., Sirotkin N., Titov V., Khlyustova A., Effect of production method on the properties of PVA/Ag–Cu composites. Polymer Bulletin (2023). (Scopus, WofSc Impact factor: 2.8) 5. Yunbo Guo, Noira R. Vokhidova, Qin Wang, Bijian Lan, Yinxiang Lu. Lightweight and thermal insulation fabric-based composite foam for high-performance electromagnetic interference shielding. Materials Chemistry and Physics 303 (2023) 127787 (Scopus, WofSc Impact factor: 4.778) 6. Xinyi Xu, Xuanzheng Zhao, Noira R. Vokhidova, Qi Sun, Yang Li, Yinxiang Lu. Aircraft coating for electromagnetic interference shielding with flame retardancy and Joule heating capability. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2023. 299. P. 127539. (Scopus, WofSc Impact factor: 4.778) 7. Vokhidova N.R., Mamasoliyev U.M., Yugay S.M., Rashidovа S.Sh. Synthesis and study of the structure of N‑succinyl chitosan Bombyx mori and their biological applications. Polymer Bulletin. 2023, 80(12), страницы рр 12907–12921 (Scopus, WofSc Impact factor: 4.778) 8. Kodirkhonov M.R., Vokhidova N.R., Rashidova S.Sh., Nie X., Kadirkhanov J. Hybrid nanocomposites of methylcellulose: physic-chemical and antimicrobial properties. Cellulose Chemistry and Technology. 2023. (Scopus, WofSc Impact factor: 0.8) 9. Vokhidova N.R., Khudoyberdiyev Sh.Sh., Nurgaliev I.N., Rashidova S.Sh. On obtaining binary polyelectrolyte complexes of chitosan Bombyx mori with collagen. Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives, Volume 2023, (Scopus, WofSc Impact factor: 1.2) 10. Vokhidova N.R., Ergashev K.H., Ibragimov D, Rashidova S.Sh. “Chitosan Hydroxyapatite: Physic-chemical Properties and its Effect on the Growth and Development of Broiler Chickens”. Journal of World’s Poultry Research. 2023. 13(2): 233-243. DOI: (Scopus, Web of Sciense IF- 0.186) 18. Rashidova S.Sh., Vokhidova N.R., Alekseeva O.V., Shibaeva V.D., Evdokimova A.V., Agafonov A.V. Biologically Active Cu/Ag Core–Shell Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, Vol. 67, No. 12, P. 2062–2068. (Scopus, WofS Impact factor: 1.126) 19. Рашидова С.Ш. Вохидова Н.Р., Алексеева О.В., Шибаева В.Д., Евдокимова А.В., Агафонов А.В. Синтез биологически активных наночастиц Cu/Ag типа ядро–оболочка и исследование их физико-химических свойств. Журнал неорганической химии, 2022, том 67, № 12, с. 1851–1857. (Scopus, WofS Impact factor: 1.126) 20. Zhao X., Vokhidova N.R., Lu Y. Design, Preparation and Characterization of Flexible Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Antennas Based on Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) Films. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2022, 51(8), P. 4601–4615. (Scopus, WofS Impact factor: 1.98) 21. Xuanzheng Zhao, Vokhidova N.R., Yinxiang Lu. Design, preparation and characterization of flexible Ultra High Frequency (UHF) antennas based on Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) Films. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2022. (Scopus, WofS Impact factor: 1.98) 22. Vokhidova N.R., Ergashev K.H., Rashidova S.Sh. Synthesis and application of Chitosan hydroxyapatite: REVIEW. Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives. 2022 Volume XXVII. P. 5-34. (Scopus, WofS Impact factor: 0.714) 23. Ashurov N.Sh., Yugai S.M., Atakhanov A.A, Vakhidova N.R., Rashidova S.Sh. Study of the magnetic properties of nanostructural metal complexes of chitosan. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. APITECH-IV – 2022. 2388 (012007). doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2388/1/012007 24. Zaynitdinova L.I., Juraeva R.N., Kukanova S.I., Vokhidova N.R., Tashpulatov J.J., Lobanova I.V. Biogenic silver nanoparticles // European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Volume 7, pp 2186-2193. Issue 2, 2020 25. Абдурасулов А.Т., Вохидова Н.Р., Рашидова С.Ш.. Разработка оптимальной технологии получения металлокомплексов хитозана Bombyx mori с ионами меди (II). Журнал Уфимские известия научного центра РАН, Серия Биология, Биохимия и Генетика, № 3(2). 2018. (РосХит 2018. Севастополь). С. 39-40

Technical capabilities of the laboratory
