(Accreditation Certificate No. O’ZAK.MS.0012)
Key Functions:
The Certification Body for Products Based on Natural and Synthetic Polymers (hereinafter referred to as CBPNSP) conducts:
Primary Activities:
CBPNSP specializes in the certification of:
Scope of Accreditation:
CBPNSP’s accreditation scope covers:
Certificates of Conformity issued by CBPNSP are valid:
Certification Testing:
All certification testing is performed in the organization’s own laboratories.
Further Information:
Detailed information about the certification body’s accreditation scope and testing laboratories is available on the official website:
Appeal Management Procedure. Appeals may be filed in the following cases:
The applicant has the right to appeal or file a complaint with the certification body within 30 days if they disagree with the actions or decisions of the certification body. If the applicant disagrees with the decision of the Commission, the appeal should be submitted to the national certification body (NSO) and/or the court within 15 days.
The appeal should be sent with a document stating the main content to the head of the certification body. The head of the certification body shall form an appeal commission (at least 3 members) within 5 days.
During the appeal review, all parties are notified, and the decision is made by voting in the commission. If there is a disagreement on the decision, the head of the commission’s vote will be decisive. The decision should be made within one month without delay.
Complaint Procedure. Complaints can be filed in the following cases:
Complaints can be submitted verbally, in writing, or via the website. If the applicant is dissatisfied with the decision of the head, they may submit a complaint to the higher authority.
Organization of Financial Assistance. The certification body provides financial responsibility for carrying out certification works:
The certification body reviews its financial condition every year and evaluates its ability to fulfill all obligations.
Required Resources. The fees for certification are collected from the applicant and are set in accordance with state laws. The cost of certification works is determined by the government.
Rights and Obligations. The applicant has the following rights:
The applicant has the following obligations:
Once the product is certified, it must be released to the market, and any changes must be reported to the certification body.
Date: Nov. 25, 2024