Since 2019, the Institute of Polymer Chemistry and Physics has established the Scientific Council DSc.27.06.2017.FM/K/T.36.01 for awarding the academic degrees of Doctor of Science (DSc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in chemical, physical, mathematical and technical sciences in the following specialties: 01.04.06 - polymer physics; 02.00.05 - chemistry and technology of cellulose and pulp and paper production; 02.00.06 - high-molecular compounds; 02.00.12 - nanochemistry, nanophysics and nanotechnology.
Announcement of the dissertation defense of Makhliyo Muhammadievna Koziyeva
Announcement of Dissertation Defense by Qo‘ziyeva Maxliyo Muhammadiyevna
Research topic: "Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of Oxidized Nanocellulose", prepared for obtaining a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in specialties 02.00.05 - Chemistry and Technology of Cellulose and Pulp and Paper Production, and 02.00.12 - Nanochemistry, Nanophysics, and Nanotechnology (Chemical Sciences).
The dissertation defense will be held at the meeting of the one-time Scientific Council № DSc.02/30.12.2019.K/FM/T.36.01 under the Institute of Polymer Chemistry and Physics on December 25, 2024, at 14:00 AM.
Abstract source
Address: 100128, Toshkent shahri, Abdulla Qodiriy ko‘chasi, 7b.
Phone.: (+99871) 241-85-94;
Faks: (+99871) 241-26-61,
Date: Dec. 13, 2024